New Orleans Spousal Support Lawyers

Spousal Support

There are a number of variables that come with spousal support, so it is important for this complex, yet delicate process to be managed with care by an experienced family law attorney.

New Orleans Family Law Attorney Camille Patti will help you fully understand your spousal support options and make sure you are able to get the adjustments and support you need to secure your financial future.

Important Spousal Support Variables to Consider

There isn’t a widespread ‘formula’ or general ‘rule of thumb’ to abide by when determining spousal support. Each divorce case is unique, so each spousal support recommendation is individually calculated.

Spousal support questions that will be considered can include:

  • Can it be modified in the future?
  • What is the set length of time?
  • Is there a pre-determined dollar amount?

In Louisiana, spousal support has two primary elements: interim spousal support (starting when the support request is filed and ending 180 days after the judgment of divorce) and final spousal support (starting when the interim support is filed; this is ongoing).

Camille will determine all the factors that can impact spousal support in your situation and then discuss your options with you in order to ensure you receive the support that best meets your needs.

Interim and Final Spousal Support

Understanding the delicate process of creating a fair solution for both interim and final spousal support is essential.

For interim spousal support, the following items are considered:

  • Need of the spouse seeking support
  • Ability of the other spouse to pay support
  • Both interim and final child support awards
  • Lifestyle of the parties during marriage

Factors considered for final spousal support include:

  • Income and liquidity of assets
  • Financial obligations
  • Earning capacity of both parties
  • Effect of child custody
  • Duration of the marriage
  • Tax consequences
  • Whether either party was “at fault” in the breakup of the marriage
  • Whether either party perpetrated family violence during the marriage

As an experienced family law attorney, Camille will approach your spousal support case with a hands-on, proactive approach to help alleviate any concerns you may have about your financial future.

Understanding of the Spousal Support Process

It is important to fully understand how spousal support awards are determined. An attorney like Camille will thoroughly review all the factors that influence spousal support, some of which include:

  • Length of the marriage
  • Individuals’ ability to work
  • Individuals’ age and health
  • Prior standard of living
  • Ability to pay support
  • Fault in the breakup of the marriage
  • Domestic violence during the marriage

Interim spousal support continues 180 days after the judgment of divorce. It can be extended for a good cause.

Typically, final spousal support terminates at a time determined by the court, upon the death of either party, or the remarriage of the spouse receiving support.

Trusted Spousal Support Attorneys in New Orleans

Spousal support can be yet another overwhelming element of the divorce process. Camille will listen to all your concerns and help educate you, so you can confidently make the best and most informed decisions for you and your family.

She will guide you throughout the process and provide exceptional service to ensure you receive the spousal support you need.

Contact Our New Orleans Spousal Support Lawyers

For help with spousal support issues, contact New Orleans Spousal Support Attorney Camille Patti. She will work with you to ensure a financially secure future for you and your family.

Get in touch now by calling 504.321.3364 or use our contact form.